Live the life you want, love the people around you, and laugh as often as you can.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amazement & Excitement

Yesterday I heard the garbage truck outside, so I looked outside to see which truck it was, recycling or trash. I am not sure why I looked, just curious I guess. What I saw kept me entertained for a few minutes and got me thinking.

Two of the neighborhood boys, ages 6 and 7, were following the truck along the sidewalk. They watched the arm come out, pick up the garbage can, go up and dump the trash, and come back down. Before the truck could put the can down, the two boys ran to the next stop. They continued doing this to every stop down the street and around our cul-de-sac. They were jumping up and down and yelling. They were so excited and amazed at this truck. When they came to my house, I could hear what they were yelling. They were cheering the man working the controls. "Yeah! Grab it! Pick it up! Yay! Dump it! Yay!" My house was the last one the boys followed the truck to and the driver waved good-bye to them with a huge smile on his face as he turned the corner. It appeared he was used to the boys cheering and running ahead of him, but it still brought a smile to his face.

This got me to thinking...why aren't we all following the garbage truck around, cheering him on, and being amazed at how each time the mechanical arm comes out, it grabs the can and thrusts it upward and into the truck without spilling a drop. Why aren't we applauding the garbage man for picking up our trash without making a mess and always leaving the trash can upright? The sad reasoning is because we are adults and we are afraid we might look silly.

In our world today, how often do you see adults amazed or excited about things. And not just adults, but teenagers and preteens as well. It takes a lot to get us excited and amazed nowadays. I think I still have a bit of that childlike mentality in me because I am easily amazed and excitable, but there are times I hold back because I don't want to embarrass myself or those with me. It shouldn't be that way.

Remember when you were little and your uncle or grandpa pulled a quarter from behind your ear or the first time you went to an amusement park or even those first few birthdays. They were all full of excitement and wonder and amazement. I think we should all live that way now. It makes life so much more fun and interesting and enjoyable! Look at things threw the eyes of a child. Experience things as if it is the first time you ever experienced it. Be silly! Laugh!

The times we live in lately are gloom and doom and it is hard to be happy or excited in some instances. But try to get past that. Take back some of that childlike awe and really look at your surroundings. Open your eyes and mind to things you may not have seen before. Become a tourist in your own town. Go out there and be excited and amazed every day! You will live a more enjoyable life and you might make someone's day along the way.

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